Explanation of Population Census, objectives, and benefits. And in the 2020 Population Census there are differences compared to previous population censuses. Namely using the admin database from Dukcapil.
The administration data used is the condition data for 30 June 2019, so there will be differences with the present conditions, for example, someone has died, was born, moved, but the data has not been updated.
From the 7 steps of the SP2020 business process, the role of local officials is very important in the third stage, namely the Online Population Census to invite the community to conduct an Online Population Census, as well as in stages 5 to 7 where assistance from local officials, especially the head of SLS, is needed by field officers in the inspection activities. DP, verification and enumeration.
The village head was asked to disseminate SP2020 information by making a circular to the head of the RT / RW / Kadus regarding SP2020 and delivering media pulisitas in the form of leaflets and posters.
In addition to disseminating this SP2020 information, the village head was also asked to check the identity of the 2019 SLS mapping results in their respective regions. Examination in the form of the existence, name of the SLS, and the name of the head of the SLS, as well as adding new SLS data if there are not yet registered in IDSLS.
After the presentation, it was continued by filling in the online population census by each participant with the procedure for filling in first.
There are some participants who cannot log in / check their presence, try using the NIK of other family members, some are successful, some are not successful.
Questions from participants:
- If anyone forgets not to bring a marriage book, how? Answer: after the other fields have been filled and updated, they do not immediately "send" but "temporarily save" first. Later at home can be continued and then sent.
- If there are children who in August 2019 make a new KK because they are married, but still live with their parents, how is the treatment? Answer: Can still do SP online but still use his parents' KK. Relationship status with the head of the family is still a child. If you don't live at home anymore, update the address, if it's still the same it doesn't need to be changed.
When the Rakorcam activity was completed there were still a number of participants who had not been able to fill in SP online because they had not been able to log in / check their presence.