The 2020 Population Census Coordination Meeting in Srumbung Subdistrict - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Regency

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The 2020 Population Census Coordination Meeting in Srumbung Subdistrict

The 2020 Population Census Coordination Meeting in Srumbung Subdistrict

February 17, 2020 | Other Activities

The meeting starts at 08.00 WIB and is chaired by the District Head Srumbung Khoirul Anwar, S.STP, M.Sc. On the occasion, the District Head conveyed the importance of the 2020 Population Census and the participation of the Village Head and his staff (up to the RT level) to contribute to the success of the 2020 Population Census in order to move towards an Indonesian population data. In addition, an appeal from the Regent of Magelang also conveyed that all government apparatuses in Magelang Regency participated in the filling of the Online Population Census independently, which was held on February 15 to March 31, 2020, including all levels of government in Srumbung District.
Then, the event continued with a presentation from BPS in Magelang Regency, which is the Socialization of the 2020 Population Census Towards an Indonesian Population Data. On the occasion, the importance of Population Census 2020 was conveyed. The SP2020 data collection was carried out in 2 stages, namely:
            Phase I: SP Online Data Collection conducted on February 15 until d
                               March 31, 2020
            Phase II: Interview SP data collection conducted on 1 to 31
                               July 2020
In addition, it was also conveyed regarding filling in the IDSLS document, that is, each village checked every SP2020-IDSLS list that contained the RT RW and the name of the SLS (RT) leader whether it was in accordance with the conditions in the field. If there is a difference, it must be corrected and if there is a division, the name of the SLS chairman is added and corrected.
4. After that the SP Online charging procedure is also conveyed.

1. All KK members have successfully updated the data, but the wife's name does not come out, so if the contents other than the wife are correct, can immediately send. Wife data and KK that have changed, will be verified and recorded during the SP Interview in July 2020.
2. Try with another NIK in the KK data. If you still can't, then you can try again when the internet is good.
3. No need to delete KK member data. Just follow the flow if you don't live there anymore. If KK has broken up by himself how? Usually at the time of the COW in Disdukcapil, the data will be adjusted. Please note that the Dukcapil database was withdrawn as of June 2019.
4. Can do a temporary save, when the marriage certificate number has been obtained, can log back in, using the NIK, KK Number, and a password that was created earlier.
5. Marriage certificate number can be left blank, but if you have a marriage certificate, then for the achievement of data quality, marriage certificate is still filled in.
6. When many residents do not do SP Online, then be prepared to be visited by SP officers. This will certainly add to the burden of SP Interview officers. Another thing, the community hasn't been educated to update the data independently.
7. God willing, the Head of RT will get an honorarium. But the exact magnitude of how much, the presenters can not be certain.
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