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The Susenas Activities March 2020
May 12, 2020 | BPS Activities
BPS-Statistics of Magelang Regency every twice a year, the National Socio-Economic Survey data collection is commonly called Susenas. This survey was conducted in March and September. It is the main support for meeting the needs of the government in implementing national development in line with the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and international development goals (Sustainable Development Goals / SDGs). The main objective of the Susenas activity is to obtain information on households and individual household members and to obtain information on household consumption expenditure both food and non-food expenditure, as well as information on income, income and non-household consumption expenditure. The March 2020 Susenas enumeration was carried out on March 1-20 2020 which was spread throughout the Magelang Regency. Some of the main indicators resulting from this SUSENAS activity are:
1. Education (Pure Participation Rate, Rough Participation Rate, School Participation Rate, and Literacy Rate)
2. Health (morbidity rate, prevalence of contraceptive use, immunization for infants, ownership of health insurance)