Regional Income of Magelang Regency by Expenditure 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Magelang Regency

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Regional Income of Magelang Regency by Expenditure 2012

Catalog Number : 9399001.3308
Publication Number : 330851302
Publishing Frequency : Ad Hoc
Release Date : March 12, 2015
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 16.57 MB


Regional Income of Magelang Regency by Expenditure are not calculated annually. So it has not been able to describe the growth rate of each component accurately. The limited supporting data is one of the obstacles in the preparation of regional income figures according to this expenditure. Spending on household consumption is the largest expenditure out of the total GRDP of Magelang Regency Expenditures. In 2012, the share of household consumption at current prices was 72.78 percent, an increase from 2010 which was 71.57 percent. While on the basis of constant 2000 prices, in 2012 the share of household consumption expenditure reached 70.20 percent, up from 2010 which was recorded at 69.14 percent. Food consumption expenditure based on constant 2000 prices showed a declining trend, while non-food consumption experienced an increase in the period of 2010 to 2012. In 2010 the share of food consumption expenditure was 36.22 percent, down to 35.89 percent in the year 2012. As for non-food consumption in 2010 it reached 32.92 percent, an increase in 2012 amounted to 34.31 percent. The role of Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) as the main element to encourage economic growth and expansion of business fields, so that in turn it can increase employment. The rate of PMTB growth based on current prices in 2012 was 12.72 percent, an increase from 2011 which was 9.66 percent. The PMTB growth rate based on constant 2000 prices in 2012 was 7.77 percent, higher than in 2011 which reached 5.02 percent. In terms of share of PMTB on the basis of prices in the past 3 years, it has reached around 23 percent. This means PMTB is the second largest expenditure in the formation of GRDP expenditure. While PMTB based on constant 2000 prices ranks second with a share ranging from 21.08 percent to 21.62 percent in the period 2010 to 2012.
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