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Had been Released .. The Employment of Magelang Regency. The Condition of August 2018
January 16, 2019 | BPS Activities
Means measured as percentage of its workforce ( work and unemployment ) to population working age .The higher means show bigger part of the working age population that involved , the prolific producing goods and services , efforts over time .Means in magelang with on august 2018 reached 71,28 percent .This means that than 100 people working age , some 72 people including the work force .When compared to 2017 means magelang with decreased by 3,21 percent ( picture ) 1 .If seen from the percentage of people who are not labor force , in 2018 increased by 3,58 percent and if seen from the details are all the details of increased where people school , who takes care of households and berkegiatan never increase in 2018 . Please you visit menu official news statistics in the website.